Results for 'Gretchen A. Nurse Rainbolt'

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  1.  15
    Anthropogenic Noise Source and Intensity Effects on Mood and Relaxation in Simulated Park Environments.Jacob A. Benfield, Gretchen A. Nurse Rainbolt, Lucy J. Troup & Paul A. Bell - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Validation of the Policy Advocacy Engagement Scale for frontline healthcare professionals.Bruce S. Jansson, Adeline Nyamathi, Gretchen Heidemann, Lei Duan & Charles Kaplan - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):362-375.
    Background: Nurses, social workers, and medical residents are ethically mandated to engage in policy advocacy to promote the health and well-being of patients and increase access to care. Yet, no instrument exists to measure their level of engagement in policy advocacy. Research objective: To describe the development and validation of the Policy Advocacy Engagement Scale, designed to measure frontline healthcare professionals’ engagement in policy advocacy with respect to a broad range of issues, including patients’ ethical rights, quality of care, culturally (...)
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  3. Rights theory.George W. Rainbolt - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (1):11–21.
    Both moral and legal theory feature prominent talk about rights. Yet there is very little agreement about what rights are, about why we use rights in our moral or legal theories, or about what to do when there is a conflict between rights. This article surveys many of the popular theory for analysing rights and explaining their scope.
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    Critical thinking: the art of argument.George W. Rainbolt - 2015 - Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. Edited by Sandra L. Dwyer.
    Critical thinking and arguments -- What makes a good argument? -- Premises and conclusions -- Language -- Propositional arguments -- Categorical arguments -- Analogical arguments -- Statistical arguments -- Causal arguments -- Moral arguments -- Answers to selected exercises -- Reference guide.
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    Competition and the patient-centered ethic.George W. Rainbolt - 1987 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 12 (1):85-99.
    This essay critically evaluates the claim that competition in medicine destroys the moral integrity of the traditional patient-physician relationship. The author argues that the traditional patient-centered ethic is indefensible on moral grounds, and that it should be jettisoned in favor of a fiduciary ethic. A fiduciary ethic is found to provide the best defensible account of the patient-physician relationship because it takes seriously the roles economic efficiency, competition, and respect for individual self-determination play in fashioning moral health care delivery. Keywords: (...)
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    [Book review] the community of rights. [REVIEW]George Rainbolt - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):361-375.
    Alan Gewirth extends his fundamental principle of equal and universal human rights, the Principle of Generic Consistency, into the arena of social and political philosophy, exploring its implications for both social and economic rights. He argues that the ethical requirements logically imposed on individual action hold equally for the supportive state as a community of rights, whose chief function is to maintain and promote the universal human rights to freedom and well-being. Such social afflictions as unemployment, homelessness, and poverty are (...)
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    What is life?: five great ideas in biology.Paul Nurse - 2021 - New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company.
    The renowned Nobel Prize-winning scientist's elegant and concise explanation of the fundamental ideas in biology and their uses today. Hailed by Philip Pullman as "a great communicator" who is also "as distinguished a scientist as there could be," Paul Nurse writes with delight at life's richness and a sense of the urgent role of biology in our time. With What Is Life? he delivers a brief but powerful work of popular science in the vein of Carlo Rovelli's Seven Brief (...)
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    What is life?: understand biology in five steps.Paul Nurse - 2020 - London, England: David Fickling Books. Edited by Ben Martynoga.
    Life is all around us, abundant and diverse, it is extraordinary. But what does it actually mean to be alive? Nobel prize-winner Paul Nurse has spent his career revealing how living cells work. In this book, he takes up the challenge of defining life in a way that every reader can understand. It is a shared journey of discovery; step by step he illuminates five great ideas that underpin biology. He traces the roots of his own curiosity and knowledge (...)
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    Tense and Aspect in Bantu.Derek Nurse - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Derek Nurse looks at variations in the form and function of tense and aspect in Bantu, a branch of Niger-Congo, the world's largest language phylum. Bantu languages are spoken in central, eastern, and southern sub-Saharan Africa south of a line between Nigeria and Somalia. By current estimates there are between 250 and 600 of them, as yet neither adequately classified nor fully described. Professor Nurse's account is based on data from more than 200 Bantu languages and varieties, a (...)
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  10.  24
    Behavioral Integrity: Examining the Effects of Trust Velocity and Psychological Contract Breach.Gretchen R. Vogelgesang, Craig Crossley, Tony Simons & Bruce J. Avolio - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (1):175-190.
    Leader behavioral integrity (BI) is central to perceived credibility and thus to leaders’ effectiveness at fostering ethical and other climates. Our research broadens the theoretical foundation for BI research by integrating the cognitive–attributional role of trust in the formation and maintenance of leader BI perceptions. Guided by recent research on trust primacy and prior theories of fairness used to examine ethical behavior, we examine how perceptions of leader BI can be either diminished or maintained through trust velocity following a psychological (...)
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    Authority, accommodation, and illocutionary success.Gretchen Ellefson - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-22.
    The “Authority Problem” is the problem that arises when speakers who lack authority successfully perform speech acts that require speaker authority in order to be felicitous. One solution that has been offered to the Authority Problem holds that the non-authoritative speaker of a successful authoritative illocution comes to have authority through a process of presupposition accommodation. I call this solution the Authority Accommodation Analysis, or AAA. In this paper, I argue that there is no Authority Problem, and thus, no need (...)
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    Going Home.Gretchen Perry - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (2):219-230.
    Humans have been called “cooperative breeders” because mothers rely heavily on alloparental assistance, and the grandmother life stage has been interpreted as an adaptation for alloparenting. Many studies indicate that women invest preferentially in their daughters’ children, but little research has been conducted where patrilocal residence is normative. Bangladesh is such a place, but women nevertheless receive substantial alloparental investment from the matrilateral family, and child outcomes improve when maternal grandmothers are alloparents. To garner this support, women must maintain contact (...)
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    Conversational Cooperation Revisited.Gretchen Ellefson - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):545-571.
    It is commonly accepted that conversation is, in some sense, cooperative. This is due in part to Paul Grice’s articulation of the Cooperative Principle, which states that participants should “make [their] conversational contributions such as is required...” (1989, 26). Yet the significance of this principle, as well as the notion of cooperation that is entailed, is up for interpretation. For example, there are several ways of understanding what kind of force the Cooperative Principle is supposed to have: it could be (...)
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    Rare Disease, Advocacy, and Caregiver Burnout.Gretchen Agans - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):91-94.
    We, in the rare disease community are grateful to Halley et al. (2023) for highlighting some of the long-overlooked barriers to care. As the parent of a non-ambulatory, teenage boy living with Duch...
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    Nation-building confessions: Carceral memory in postgenocide rwanda.Gretchen Baldwin - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):159-181.
    The postconflict Rwandan state has crafted a “we are all Rwandans” national identity narrative without ethnicity, in the interest of maintaining a delicate, postgenocide peace. The annual genocide commemoration period called Kwibuka—“to remember”—which takes place over the course of one hundred days every year, is an underresearched part of this narrative. During the commemoration period, génocidaires’ confessions increase dramatically; these confessions lead the government to previously undiscovered graves all over the country, just as confessions given during the grassroots justice system—gacaca—did (...)
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    Women's exchange in the U.s. Garage sale: Giving gifts and creating community.Gretchen M. Herrmann - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (6):703-728.
    Transactions in the U.S. garage sale range from the commercial to the giftlike, in a Maussian sense. As two-thirds of the participants, women create a sense of community through garage sale exchange. This article explores how women, partly differentiated along lines of race and class, solidify their personal relationships, transmit something of themselves with their possessions, transform their own lives in the process, and contribute to a broader spirit of community through the generalized reciprocity and even moral economy that manifests (...)
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    Urake and the gender roles of Partonope of Blois.Gretchen Mieszkowski - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (2):181-195.
    This paper is concerned with the inverted gender roles portrayed in the Middle English Partonope of Blois, and the part played by Urake in realigning them. The relationship between hero and heroine begins with Partonope in a female passive role as a "kept man," and Melior in a male dominating role as a sexually self-assured woman who chooses the man she wants and controls him. Urake, one of the most unusually interventionistic of romance go-betweens, saves Partonope's life and prepares him, (...)
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    Is Hymenoplasty Anti-Feminst?Gretchen Heinrichs - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (2):172-175.
    Hymenoplasty is a practice that must be judged from within its cultural confines and not only from outside. It offers women who have grown up within the sexual norms of a Western society the chance to return to their parental culture, with its female-specific virginity expectations. Hymenoplasty allows women to be sexually active prior to marriage, which equalizes the discrepancy between gender norms on premarital sexual experience. Caution is needed when comparing hymenoplasty to female genital mutilation. However, comparing hymenoplasty to (...)
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    Origins of G1 arrest in senescent human fibroblasts.Gretchen H. Stein & Vjekoslav Dulić - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (6):537-543.
    Human diploid fibroblasts have a finite proliferative lifespan in culture, at the end of which they are ararrested with G1 phase DNA contents. Upon serum stimulation, senescent cells are deficient in carrying out a subset of early signal transduction events such as activation of protein kinase C and induction of c‐fos. Later in G1, they uniformly fail to express late G1 genes whose products are required for DNA synthesis, implying that they are unable to pass the R point. Failure to (...)
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  20.  99
    The Roman Stoics: Self, Responsibility, and Affection.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 2005 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Roman Stoics of the imperial period developed a distinctive model of social ethics, one which adapted the ideal philosophical life to existing communities and everyday societal values. Gretchen Reydams-Schils’s innovative book shows how these Romans—including such philosophers as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Hierocles, and Epictetus—applied their distinct brand of social ethics to daily relations and responsibilities, creating an effective model of involvement and ethical behavior in the classical world. _The Roman Stoics_ reexamines the philosophical basis that instructed social practice in (...)
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  21.  80
    Consumer Rights: An Assessment of Justice. [REVIEW]Gretchen Larsen & Rob Lawson - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (3):515-528.
    For the last 50 years the idea of consumer rights has formed an essential element in the formulation of policy to guide the workings of the marketplace. The extent and coverage of these rights has evolved and changed over time, yet there has been no comprehensive analysis as to the purpose and scope of consumer rights. In moral and ethical philosophy, rights are integrally linked to the notion of justice. By reassessing consumer rights through a justice-based framework, a number of (...)
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  22. Stoic agency and its reception.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2017 - In Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau, Judgment and Action: Fragments toward a History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Demiurge and Providence: Stoic and Platonist readings of Plato's Timaeus.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 1999 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Of the rich legacy of the Timaeus, this study deals with the cross-pollination between Stoic and Platonist readings of Timaeus, spanning the period from Plato's writings to that of the so-called Middle Platonist authors. Plato's Timaeus and Stoic doctrine had their fates intertwined from very early on, both in polemical and reconciliatory contexts. The blend of Platonic and Stoic elements ultimately constituted one of the main conceptual bridges between the pagan tradition on the one hand and the Judeo-Christian, in its (...)
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  24.  13
    Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus. Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Contexts.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first study to assess in its entirety the fourth-century Latin commentary on Plato's Timaeus by the otherwise unknown Calcidius, also addressing features of his Latin translation. The first part examines the authorial voice of the commentator and the overall purpose of the work; the second part provides an overview of the key themes; and the third part reassesses the commentary's relation to Stoicism, Aristotle, potential sources, and the Christian tradition. This commentary was one of the main channels (...)
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  25.  12
    Plato's Timaeus as Cultural Icon.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils (ed.) - 2003 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    New forms of transnational mobility and diasporic belonging have become emblematic of a supposed global condition of uprootedness. Yet much recent theorizing of our so-called postmodern life emphasizes movement and fluidity without interrogating who and what is on the move. This book examines the interdependence of mobility and belonging by considering how homes are formed in relationship to movement. It suggests that movement does not only happen when one leaves home, and that homes are not always fixed in a single (...)
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  26.  40
    Beyond polarization: using Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views on pesticide use, and related risks for agricultural workers, in Washington State’s tree fruit industry.Nadine Lehrer & Gretchen Sneegas - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):131-147.
    Controversies in food and agriculture abound, with many portrayed as conflicts between polarized viewpoints. Framing such controversies as dichotomies, however, can at times obscure what might be a plurality of views and potential common ground on the subject. We used Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views about pesticide safety, agricultural worker exposure, and human health concerns in the tree fruit industry of central Washington State. Using a purposive sample of English and Spanish-speaking agricultural workers, industry representatives, state agencies, educators, and (...)
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  27.  13
    Christelle Veillard (éd.), Hécaton de Rhodes. Les fragments.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2023 - Philosophie Antique 23 (23).
    This collection of the fragments of the Stoic Hecato (allegedly a student of Panaetius) with notes and commentary, presents state-of-the-art research that truly expands our knowledge of ancient Stoicism. The study, as the author herself indicates, is a thoroughly reworked version of a 2008 dissertation. Its first part is devoted to the editorial principles undergirding the selection of fragments. The second part presents the very limited biographical information we have about Hecato, the frag...
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  28.  12
    Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform.Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy S. Cooper, Sherry S. Deckman, Christina L. Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe & Carla Shalaby (eds.) - 2010 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _Humanizing Education_ offers historic examples of humanizing educational spaces, practices, and movements that embody a spirit of hope and change. From Dayton, Ohio, to Barcelona, Spain, this collection of essays from the _Harvard Educational Review_ carries readers to places where people have first imagined—and then organized—their own educational responses to dehumanizing practices and conditions. Contributors include Montse Sánchez Aroca, William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Fernando Cardenal, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Marco Garrido, Jay Gillen, Maxine Greene, Kathe Jervis, Nancy Uhlar Murray, Valerie (...)
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  29.  60
    Meta-Discourse: Plato's Timaeus according to Calcidius.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (3):301-327.
    This paper brings Calcidius' 4th. c. AD Latin commentary on Plato's Timaeus into the fold of research on the methodological assumptions and hermeneutical practices of the ancient commentary tradition. The first part deals with the question of how Calcidius sets his role as a commentator in relation to the original text, to his audience, and to the Platonist tradition. The second part examines the organizing principles and structuring devices of the commentary, and what these can tell us about connections between (...)
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    Fear and learning in student teaching: Accountability as gatekeeper in social studies.Todd S. Hawley & Gretchen M. Whitman - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):105-115.
    Today's pre-service teachers grew up attending schools where high stakes testing and teacher accountability were the norm. Despite a substantial body of research focused on the influence high-stakes testing on the practices of novice social studies teachers, a gap exists regarding the accountability movement's influence on novice social studies teachers. This study focused explicitly on the influence high-stakes testing and the culture of accountability had on two pre-service social studies teachers during their student teaching experience. Our findings highlight the ways (...)
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  31.  6
    An Anthology of Snakebites: On Women, Love and Philosophy.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 2001 - Seven Bridges PressLlc.
    Like eavesdropping on an intimate exchange, these 40 vignettes evoke a conversation between two very different women about motherhood, intellectual aspirations, philosophy, and emotional and spiritual life.
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    David Sedley, Creationism and its Critics in Antiquity.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2009 - Philosophie Antique 9:211-215.
    Dans cet ouvrage important et original, David Sedley examine les systèmes philosophiques de l’Antiquité qui défendent l’idée d’une cause divine pour l’ori­gine du monde (d’où la notion de creationism) et ceux qui n’admettent pas une intervention de ce genre. Le livre comporte sept chapitres, sur Anaxagore, Empédocle, Socrate, Platon, les atomistes (Démocrite et Épicure), Aristote, et les stoïciens, avec un épilogue sur Galien. Le livre est déjà l’un des plus discutés sur ce sujet, et a ouvert...
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    Posidonius and the Timaeus: off to Rhodes and back to Plato?Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (02):455-.
    We know enough about Posidonius' life to trace his wanderings: he was born into a wealthy and influential family in Apamea, Syria; he went through all the steps of an Hellenistic education; in Athens he encountered his Stoic teacher Panaetius; and finally he settled—except for some travelling throughout the Mediterranean and to Rome—in the high society of Rhodes, where he actively participated in political life and headed a Stoic school.
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    Mothers in “Good” and “Bad” Part-time Jobs: Different Problems, Same Results.Christine Williams & Gretchen Webber - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (6):752-777.
    Part-time work schedules are a popular option for many women struggling to reconcile the competing demands of employment and motherhood. They are controversial among feminists because they are associated with job penalties that promote gender inequality. Previous research on this topic has focused on issues confronting women workers in professional and managerial jobs. In this article, we compare and contrast the experiences of women in professional and secondary part-time jobs, drawing on 60 in-depth interviews with mothers working in such “good” (...)
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  35. ‘Safe Sport Is Not for Everyone’: Equity-Deserving Athletes’ Perspectives of, Experiences and Recommendations for Safe Sport.Joseph John Gurgis, Gretchen Kerr & Simon Darnell - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    There is a growing concern that the voices of athletes, and in particular, athletes from equity-deserving groups, are unaccounted for in the development and advancement of Safe Sport initiatives. The lack of consideration of the needs and experiences of diverse groups is concerning, given the existing literature outside the context of sport indicating that equity-deserving individuals experience more violence. As such, the following study sought to understand how equity-deserving athletes interpret and experience Safe Sport. Grounded within an interpretive phenomenological analysis, (...)
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  36.  33
    Justified hard paternalism:A response to ten.George W. Rainbolt - 1989 - Bioethics 3 (2):140–141.
  37.  28
    Has the Child Welfare Profession Discovered Nepotistic Biases?Martin Daly & Gretchen Perry - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (3):350-369.
    A major trend in foster care in developed countries over the past quarter century has been a shift toward placing children with “kin” rather than with unrelated foster parents. This change in practice is widely backed by legislation and is routinely justified as being in the best interests of the child. It is tempting to interpret this change as indicating that the child welfare profession has belatedly discovered that human social sentiments are nepotistic in their design, such that kin tend (...)
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    Facing Death, Epicurus and His Critics. [REVIEW]Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (4):909-911.
    James Warren analyzes Epicurus’ and Epicureans’ attitudes toward death in a dialogue with contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. His study is hard to put aside once one has started reading. The book’s structure flows very well, the reader finds anticipated questions addressed, and the arguments fit together seamlessly. This is top level work.
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    Affective Benefits of Nature Contact: The Role of Rumination.Gregory N. Bratman, Gerald Young, Ashish Mehta, Ihno Lee Babineaux, Gretchen C. Daily & James J. Gross - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Mounting evidence shows that nature contact is associated with affective benefits. However, the psychological mechanisms responsible for these effects are not well understood. In this study, we examined whether more time spent in nature was associated with higher levels of positive affect in general, and lower levels of negative affect and rumination in general. We also conducted a cross-sectional mediation analysis to examine whether rumination mediated the association of nature contact with affect. Participants reported their average time spent in nature (...)
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  40. Impact of Capacity-Building Project on Socio-economic Well-being of Women in Higaonon Community.Gela Mae Zamayla, Astred Jill Catolpos, Gretchen Gonzaga & Manuel Caingcoy - 2024 - Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences 22:20-34.
    Capacity-building projects are crucial for developing the skills of indigenous communities, fostering sustainable business growth, and empowering individuals. However, women in the Higaonon community had limited access to modern technologies and business management training. To address this gap, a project was implemented by the Non-Timber Forest Products- Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP), in collaboration with the Food Technology Department of Bukidnon State University. After several years of implementation, the project’s impact on the community remained uncertain. To evaluate this impact, a convergent mixed-methods (...)
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    How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and Caregivers.Kelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi & Gretchen Roman - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and CaregiversKelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi, and Gretchen RomanIntroductionWe are a group of Deaf community members, sign language interpreters, organizational leaders, and academic partners. We have a collective point of view about how policies and practices in medical settings impact communication access with Deaf patients and caregivers. Here, we account multiple (...)
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  42. What is pragmatism?Richard Rorty, Hilary Putnam, James Conant & Gretchen Helfrich - 2004 - Think 3 (8):71-88.
    The following is a transcript of a discussion about the question between Richard Rorty, Hilary Putnam, and James Conant. The discussion was part of a series of discussions on more or less philosophical subjects broadcast on Chicago Public Radio. This discussion is anchored by Gretchen Helfrich. Two listeners (Chris and Edwin) also took part.
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    The Impact of Dobbs on US Graduate Medical Education.Amirala S. Pasha, Daniel Breitkopf & Gretchen Glaser - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):497-503.
    The Dobbs decision will directly affect patients and reproductive rights; it will also impact patients indirectly in many ways, one of which will be changes in the physician workforce through its impact on graduate medical education. Current residency accreditation standards require training in all forms of contraception in addition to training in the provision of abortion. State bans on abortions may diminish access to training as approximately half of obstetrics and gynecology residency programs are in states with significant abortion restrictions. (...)
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    The Risk of a Lifetime: How, When, and Why Procreation May Be Permissible, by Rivka Weinberg: New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. xi + 263, US$65. [REVIEW]George W. Rainbolt - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (4):833-834.
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    Parental Investment by Birth Fathers and Stepfathers.Jenni E. Pettay, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Samuli Helle, Gretchen Perry, Martin Daly & Antti O. Tanskanen - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):276-294.
    This study investigates the determinants of paternal investment by birth fathers and stepfathers. Inclusive fitness theory predicts higher parental investment in birth children than stepchildren, and this has consistently been found in previous studies. Here we investigate whether paternal investment varies with childhood co-residence duration and differs between stepfathers and divorced birth fathers by comparing the investment of (1) stepfathers, (2) birth fathers who are separated from the child’s mother, and (3) birth fathers who still are in a relationship with (...)
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    The Pilgrimage Project: Speculative design for engaged interdisciplinary education.J. R. Osborn, Evan Barba, Gretchen E. Henderson, Lisa M. Strong & Lesley H. Kadish - 2017 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):349-371.
    This article presents the Pilgrimage Model as a template for educators wishing to lead students on site-specific studies of engaged learning. During the 2015–2016 academic year, a group of Georgeto...
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    The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy.David Konstan, Myrto Garani & Gretchen Reydams-Schils (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press, Usa.
    Several decades of scholarship have demonstrated that Roman thinkers developed in new and stimulating directions the systems of thought they inherited from the Greeks, and that, taken together, they offer many perspectives that are of philosophical interest in their own right. The Oxford Handbook of Roman Philosophy explores a range of such Roman philosophical perspectives through thirty-four newly commissioned essays. Where Roman philosophy has long been considered a mere extension of Hellenistic systems of thought, this volume moves beyond the search (...)
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  48. Horseracing as regulated cruelty : a nonhuman animal victimology perspective.Melanie Flynn & Angus Nurse - 2025 - In Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth Mentor, Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements. New York: Routledge.
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    The Process of Conversion: A Transformation of Consciousness.Gretchen Siegler - 1993 - Anthropology of Consciousness 4 (3):10-13.
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    Interdisciplinary Disorientation: A Student's Perspective.Gretchen Sween - 1991 - Philosophica 48.
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